SEO is a continual marketing process. Many website owners measure their results by page rank achieved and conversions. For better performance your website must be tested. Every time changes are made you should test. For best results you must split test. Split testing is a controlled experiment where you create different variables to find what works best.
Create two landing pages that are identical and then alter one thing at a time and check results or conversion rates. Run the same pay per click keyword campaign and then compare conversion rates. This is a typical split test. Change something such as a headline, graphic, or content and measure results.
Make sure you allow enough time and measure the same amount of traffic for each test. Take into account any extraneous factors such as the day of the week, competitor offers, or news events that could affect your product or service. You want your comparisons to be as identical as possible except for the change you control.
You can test a single site by altering just one variable at a time. Test your page and then make only one change and run the test again. This type of testing can take longer.
Split testing can be a bit time consuming but the information you obtain can be invaluable. The smallest changes, such as a color, font type, word changes, or page placement of a graphic can have surprising results. Within a short time you should be able to money optimize your website.
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